Monday, November 2, 2009

Break's Over

Well, that took a lot longer than I expected.

Yes, this was originally supposed to be a 2-week break. Unfortunately real life had other plans. I'm a software developer by trade, and the guys I work for decided that this would be a great time to have me do a 3-man project all by myself, so I've been just a little busy. I'd hoped to get a little writing done in between the crazy work days, but but that didn't work out so well either.

Oh, well, live and learn. These things do happen, but next time I'll try to be a little more timely about at least posting status updates so you all know I haven't walked off a cliff or something.

So, the good news is chapter 7 of Indomitable is done - I'll be posting it this Friday (yes, that's November 6, 2009). After that my plan is to update every other Friday for the next few months (mostly Indomitable and Time Braid, but I've got some more For Want of a Jinchuuriki kicking around as well). Hopefully life with cooperate with this plan a little better than the last one...


  1. Glad to see you're back. Looking forward to Friday's update.

  2. Yay, impending update!

    I didn't mind the long wait so much as the lack of any news update when it went longer than expected. Would've been nice to know that I shouldn't be checking every week to see if there was activity.

    Still, updates soon so yaaaay!

  3. Haha, great news.
    I knew i could have faith in you.
    I can't wait.

  4. That's great, and of course RL comes first. (I'd thought it had to be something like that.)
    Still, I can't help wishing you'd found time to make an update post, even just something like 'Real life's kicking my ass, I'll be taking a longer posting break than planned.' It would have kept people from wondering if anything had happened to you.

  5. I'm glad you're back.
    Indomitable is one of my favourite stories right now.
