Saturday, August 22, 2009

Indomitable Q & A

Answers to a few questions I've had recently about Indomitable:
  • Is this going to be a harem fic? No, not in the usual sense. But I'm actually taking the idea of a quasi-feudal Japan setting seriously, and in feudal Japan (like almost all pre-colonial era cultures) it was perfectly normal for nobles to have several wives and/or mistresses. So what you can expect to see is an attempt at portraying realistic relationships in a culture where monogamy is for commoners, marriages are thought of like business deals, and egalitarianism is a weird foreign concept.
  • Is there going to be a lot of smut? I like lemon stories as much as the next guy, but if I was writing a story where the main point is the sex I'd be posting it on a site that allows explicit content. There will be lemon scenes in Indomitable from time to time, but only where the details of the sex are actually important to the plot for one reason or another.
  • Is Hinata going to end up with Naruto? Now that would be telling. But I will say that I'm a bit of a Naruto/Hinata fan myself, so however things work out she'll probably be involved somehow.
  • Will Ino get involved with Naruto? Not in this story. I like her as a character, but I have no idea how to plausibly power her up enough to survive repeated fights with Akatsuki memebers. Not to mention the fact that Naruto's future already has as many romantic complications as I can fit into one story.
  • Will [some other character] get involved with Naruto? All I'll say at this point is that Naruto's personal life is going to get pretty complicated before things sort themselves out, and at least one major player in that little drama has yet to be seen onstage.


  1. I like that you're going to stick to you're guns over your pairing choices, too many times I've seen writers back down because readers complain alot.
    And as someone who's always felt Naruto should end up with both Hinata and Sakura I'm always up for a story that has him hook up with both, and luckly Naruto is set in a Feudal Japan like era so my fav pairing can be used realalisticly unlike the bashing all the N/H or N/S fans do to either Hinata or Sakura.

  2. Powering up Ino is pretty trivial: take Jedi and run with it!

  3. Regardless of whether Ino joins the harem or not, she needs to power up because her current power levels make her unsuitable for anything.

    I've had this idea running on the back of my mind for a while now. A Shadow Clone is basically a shell of Chakra-charged air with a bit of "mental" Chakra thrown in. Disregard the Chakra shell and you have a Mind Clone Technique; a Shadow Clone without a body. Useful for multitasking and, oh, possessing people!

    Worst case scenario, this eliminates the main weakness of the Mind Body Switch if Real!Ino leaves while the clone runs the body.

    Best case scenario you have an army of possessed enemies fighting on your side.

    Now give her some serious Taijutsu and let her open the Gates and you have Instant High Chuunin - Low Jonin Army. Though she should probably avoid opening Gates 7 and 8.

    Also, what about possessing a Sharingan user? Would she keep any Ninjutsu or Taijutsu learned? Definitely good for a quick power up!

    Should you choose to use these ideas please direct any kudos to arapto at

